Approximately three years ago, was sold as non-Olimp 005 lintmakki forum. The reason for the "tired lüüdid". Perhaps layman's team "does not work". Since such a desire by maki was big but did not want the money to go out, switched editor de fotos online the recorder off against one another. Wondering what it does not do that, half an hour after the recorder is singing - but no. It turned out that the head of the logic board is not functioning editor de fotos online as it should. Slightly less formal editor de fotos online investigation showed that the recorder had conducted random microcircuits. Includes plate amplifiers. The logical explanation - the recorder had been thunder (overvoltage). editor de fotos online Since the logic of the recorder using three specific microprocessor, do not have any choice, as you design a new hegemony.
It was originally intended for designers recorder CD player functionality - searching for stories, pre-programmed editor de fotos online playlists, view mode (the beginning of each track is played about 10 seconds). And a few more bells or whistles. Russian editor de fotos online forums I read that, and this "functionality" did not work well using the original electronics. Probably got after the completion of the first recorders engineers also understand that a tape recorder and started producing "Olimp 005-C1 ', where the entire management went back to a simple logic of it. Removed those useless features. Scheme
Design editor de fotos online of the scheme was initially the sole purpose - to get the recorder to work your core functions. The easiest way seemed to be the use of a microcontroller. And so it did. Connections made recorder such that there is no need to build yourself around a tape recorder and record can be placed easily control logic board replaced. Most take care of ATMEGA88, plus a few external components electromagnets driving voltage, and convert. Makis logic itself is fed +13 V and 13 V voltage (why???). Also included is a normal LCD screen, which displays tape counter and operating modes. Maki control buttons are used to right-wing, left-wing is not currently connected.
Shortly scheme peculiarities. To save the CPU inputs, control signals editor de fotos online into an analog processor mode. Perhaps each button produces a different editor de fotos online voltage. I got the idea of looking at the west line of car schemes. A simple and reliable controller for which there is no need to press time. The exception is the stop button, which causes a hardware failure and the record button, as it must be pressed simultaneously taasesitusnupuga. The operating mode LEDs are also connected to the CPU's legs with the purpose of keeping the simple logic režiimiväljundite off. Electromagnets draws ULN2003 and necessary, and invert pingeteisendused has been KT315 transistors.
Realized in the following modes: stop, play on, play back, pause recording, recording, fast-forward, rewind, auxiliary functions: braking during playback or recording, scrolling roll.
Modes, ie modes can be changed editor de fotos online manually by pressing the appropriate button, or they will become automatic. For example, the "stop" button is pressed, check that mode before the recorder was inhibited, and the so-called "smart". Recording / playback speed of the tape which is small and negligible inertia, braking occurs for a short time. Kerimisrežiimis but given the short time the command - scrolling in the opposite direction, while still keeping the brakes on. 18 cm of tape drives stalling well fast, while it is not seen to overly tighten the belt. "Stop" mode turns off the recorder after arriving in a mode not set memory sensors signal (the tape does not move).
Very comfortable thing I added the tape "memory". This means that it can "remember" a random place on the tape. When the recorder is in playback mode, and press the scroll wheel, it will scroll the place, and then continue listening. Very comfortable as your favorite song to listen to repeatedly. When the tape recorder editor de fotos online before but the stopwatch mode and is the place to find the tape resist What was done
(Lack of time, laziness, thoughts) For any IR remote control. The sense is not, free "legs" in the processor. Optical car stop. Since the recorder was broken off, do not bother optopaari there to breed. Then you can also program "Autoreverse" VFD screen (like the original). Requires an additional stones, time, lazy. Shortcoming - may lead to a decent sound level. This is one of the maki tüüpvigasid original disc. RS232/USB management. Computer to be able to draw or bind another device. Why????
Finally, I will say that this kind of simple solution can be used with any of maki (the tape recorder) where the mechanics controlled by electromagnets. You only need to adjust some inputs / outputs, and programming.
Maybe you have been in contact with some of the West lintmakiga? Some time ago, watched the Golden Borsis sold prillikivi. It seemed too expensive. Did not want to buy. Now, I think that should look similar Olimp 005, you could maybe easily control logic built-Link:
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