The Catholic Church in Malta and Gozo, as a significant part of Maltese society html table in times require html table to continue examining how to apply its social teaching to the economic and social changes taking html table place among us. If this survey is not done (and, therefore, no practical application html table proves not), the Church risks becoming simply illusory. Content This is stqarrijia that ensues from an interesting book in English issued at the beginning of this year the Chairman of APS Bank, Professor Emanuel Delia. The name of the book is: Catholic Social Teaching, Economic html table Thought and Four Hundred Thousand Maltese html table (Catholic Social Teachings, economic thinking and Four Hundred Thousand Maltese). The book builds on tripods: first, the current state of the social teachings of the Catholic Papat after reflection over a century; second, as perceived and actually html table understood the economy under its theorists; and, third, the state demographic, economic and social of Maltese society today after sustaining changes over the last forty years. For one like me who does not understand much in the economy, I must say that you have not found the book very difficult to understand. The writing is too technical. Therefore, who is not trained too much in either the complications of social teachings of the popes nor the complexities of economics, can fortunately isegwih crafted and fun facility. I say well who cares about social justice in our country and, at the same time, considering that the Catholic Church still has a significant institutional role in our society, not leave it to chance offrielna reflective of the Professor Delia passed without giving kasha. Delia proposals indicates that, currently, as a result of certain html table economic developments, taking place two main effects "of concern" (p. 232): one that has or dismantle employer or employers being low paid people (preferably foreign) ; and the other, which is eroded the real level of living of workers. The writer suggests (p. 219) that, overall (and reduttivament), what appears to been happening html table in Maltese society today is that while the dimension of personal individuality of people is given great importance, it is being done detriment to their social dimension. It seems that being done primarily html table because of higher financial income. Hereafter html table be, by Delia (p. 234), the biggest social challenge of the Catholic Church in Malta and Gozo today: that while continuing stresses on the performance of individuals and families, that ye in gid link with the rest of the social community (English, European, Mediterranean). This mission is a perfect wholly out of step with the social teachings of the Popes. html table Delia insists (p. 233) that the "utility" of the Church (as well as non-governmental organizations other) in Maltese society today come from both has the ability to anticipate the needs of individuals and social community in the context of the full range of social fiber. If this does not make it, warns the Church html table to render it illuzrja institution (or "mirage"). Just over these few indications mentioned html table (in the little space I have), it is impossible to do justice to the book Professor Delia. Obviously, it is much more valuable reflections to be of interest to the Maltese public and, particularly, Catholic. I found it somewhat lacking are three things. First, identify the social teachings of the Catholic Church's social teachings with Papat only. Although the latter is primary, the former goes beyond, and includes the experience of other areas of the Catholic Church in various parts of the world. Secondly, I do not think that too enters Delia merit, despite the considerations of economic html table theories being mentioned, the individualism, poverty and economic inequalities are some random phenomena of the system, but live productions ( and perhaps even unaware) of the manipulator of economic and political structures (based on neo-liberal philosophy). From here comes the third point: I do not think that book enough issue that the social role of the Catholic Church today is simply to regulate the relationship between the individual and society, but also to review, and possibly denounce seek to change unjust html table means of production as much as unjust distributions of wealth. Despite these, the book still remains valid and appropriate contribution to be obtained.
The Bible, of Serracino Inglott
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