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In an interview conducted before the Yevromaydanu Don Kalb talks about the future of capitalism in Eastern Europe. In terms of the rise of China and India as well as economic stagnation in the West Kalb emphasizes the importance of political mobilization in Ukraine and Russia.
Vladimir Ishchenko: How would you analyze Eastern Europe in terms of its place in the global system? Would it be appropriate to use this approach of Western Marxism, whether to modify them in order to understand the situation in the region?
Don Kalb: Eastern Europe how to make a website - most of the world, with many internal differences. In his new book, my colleagues at the CEU Hreshkovits how to make a website Bill and Dorothy Boyle (Greskovits and Bohle 2012) compare capitalisms Central Europe (ie without Ukraine and Russia). After reviewing the available literature and received a lot of new data, they found that all the systems out there, in fact, become neoliberal. In the context of Poland they talk about "integrated neoliberalism" on the Baltic how to make a website countries - a simple neo-liberalism, Slovenia has initially allocated in line with the rest, but it is obviously forced how to make a website to move in the neo-liberal direction. how to make a website I was not surprised. In my view, to examine the evolution of the second world against the backdrop of a global paradigm shift day, you need to take a dialectical methodological position: on the one hand, you have a dynamic world-system perspective, on the other hand - understand the specific how to make a website historical trajectory how to make a website countries. Combining the two perspectives can be seen as the last entered first, and how to determine the direction of incorporating the features of this process at global and local level. It gives a deeper and more structured world-system perspective on the region. how to make a website Joseph Boroch experiencing this approach how to make a website makroistoriyi, as well as Boris Kagarlyksky, Martin and Ian M'yant Drahokupil use a lot of official statistics. In my research something important micro, how to make a website but I use the same approach.
DC : I do not meet current scientific work, but it seems that the methodology in this area is moving most of the best research. If we compare these two methodological perspective, it is most preferred world-system approach. But dynamic, how to make a website open, flexible. Wallerstein is intended as a guide only. For me, this prioritization is important, as it allows to go beyond simple notions of post-socialist and post-Soviet world, which most modern realities explain the historical trajectory through the countries. how to make a website I am against this approach because I believe that Eastern Europe - a region that takes its place in the global capitalist system. Old relationships and old institutions that have been changed or deleted, still remain specific how to make a website local names. This particular local Dictionary is now applied to modern relationships, but it does not convey how this relationship actually operate. That's why I prefer the world-system approach.
Of course, the region is highly differentiated, and important, if your post-socialist countries how to make a website has become a destination for European industrial capital, or turned into an exporter of raw materials. Central Europe chooses the first option, Baltika largely becomes an appendage of the Scandinavian capitalism Romania increased integration into German, how to make a website French how to make a website and Italian network and Bulgaria somehow integrated into Greek capitalism.
I think these two trajectories now merged. how to make a website Current production is becoming more and more high-tech and requires Western specialists, so it creates a lot of quality jobs for the locals. Look at the real wages of young engineers: it does not even reach one thousand euros. In Hungary, the median income is still 400 euros per month - a whole generation since 1989! Even workers with higher salary receive three times less than the same experts from Austria. That kind of relationship, and a proposed post-socialist how to make a website countries: capital comes here at a low wage and skilled and disciplined workforce. And then it turns out that "Audi" and "Mercedes" hardly employ local workers: see the classic dual economy.
I do not think it will change drastically in the next twenty or thirty years. First, because it depends how to make a website on Western demand. Poland - the only country where the investment is due to local demand, which is understandable, given the size of the country. But most of the capital of Art
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