In his farewell speech Reinfeldt promised to support the new party leadership in the manner he deems wise - not to say that much. He need not worry about any change of course. After the unanimous election of moderate the meeting explained Anna Kinberg Batra to work line and stable public finances logos remains the foundation. She gave three, less sakpolitiska message:
The new M-leader wants to move closer to NATO by investigating the conditions for Swedish membership. Conservatives have long been for that, but Reinfeldt has not wanted to pursue the issue as long as the Social Democrats are opposed. Kinberg Batra assume now that the red-green logos government heed her request.
But in the area where Reinfeldt's policies with the most internal criticism, migration and integration, came no new answers. Kinberg Batra concluded that it is "our charitable duty" to help people in need, but promised more support to municipalities logos that receive refugees to create better job opportunities.
M-management shall take up a discussion with moderate local politicians on how integration be improved. Prominent conservatives in parliament have submitted a motion to tighten family reunification. The motion becomes, according Kinberg Batra, an "ingredient" in the discussions.
The so-called December agreement with the government facilitates logos the Alliance to reign in the minority if it becomes biggest block after the next election. The agreement meant that there will be no extraordinary elections in March. Kinberg Batra has been criticized internally for selling power without getting anything back.
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