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Your page simply, YTubePlayer a music player for Windows and Mac that retrieves all the videos from YouTube. What is it to have it, you may be thinking, when everything is still available in the browser on YouTube.com? Well, there are several good reasons. For example, filtering the videos, so it's basically just music and not everything else debris that comes with. Secondly, we always choose the best sound quality during playback. Thirdly, search and get presented everything in a very simple and tasteful interface. See also: Permitted to create MP3 from YouTube Manual and automatic playlists But that's just the basic functions. YTubePlayer also lets you create playlists automatically, for example, list of songs from an artist or track that is on the same street. And considering how gigantic YouTube music archive fotoflexer has grown to become, there is hardly anything you can not find. When we talk in the case of very exotic materials ... The sound quality is also quite on par with such Wimp and Spotify on much of the material - although you still have to live with it varies to a greater extent. The same applies to the volume level. More screenshots:
Sharing program fotoflexer naturally also a social function where you can easily share playlists and songs with other users of the program. You need not register as a user if you only want to play music and do not see the need to create fotoflexer playlists. If you are a registered fotoflexer YouTube user, you can import any playlists you have into YTubePlayer. Are you only interested in sound, Toolbar mode for you. Then shrink the player and remain above all other windows on the desktop:
Toolbar Mode YTubePlayer can also be used in portable mode and run directly from memory sticks and the like. Free For more information and to download the YTubePlayer from Snapfiles.com. The program is completely free and contains no advertising and other items that might interfere. See also: Using YouTube as a music machine
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