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Police on Friday arrested El Agustino five people who would form a band dedicated to trafficking in persons, involved in the sale of two children, a two year old and a newborn. to mp3 According to RPP Noticias, one of those arrested is the mother of two children s, Sonia Huscamayta Buendia, 35. The intervention was carried out in the Hipólito Unanue Hospital, said Lima district, which also intervened Cristín Rosa Maria Street (49) and Nelly Hilda Velasquez de la Cruz (52). Also fell Guaygua Angel Jauregui to mp3 (56) and Chuchón Concepción de la Cruz (52). All detainees to mp3 will be denounced for the crime of trafficking and the prosecution and investigating. BAND OF TRAFFICKING Commander El Agustino, Augusto Silva, told RPP News that it would be a band dedicated to trafficking. "Apparently this will be a well organized group dedicated to the crime of trafficking, because they come to work five months ago. Each member to mp3 serving a different to mp3 purpose," he said. The authority said that the intervention was achieved thanks to a police officer assigned to the Hipólito Unanue Hospital managed to hear the case of a woman who had given birth, registering a false name.
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