Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The animal welfare group Animal Aid Unlimited received a phone call from a passerby who alerted to

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The dog lay motionless body had hardened and was stuck to the ground; however, could be saved by a group of young people font who cleaned it carefully for about four hours.
A dog about 5 months fell to hot asphalt spilled for a construction site in northern India and was completely covered sticky element; however, could be saved by a group of young people who cleaned it carefully for about four hours.
The animal welfare group Animal Aid Unlimited received a phone call from a passerby who alerted to the serious condition of the puppy in the town of Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Young found that the dog lay motionless body had hardened and was glued to the earth: "There was no way we could have realized without warning," Abrams, a group member said.
Instead of using kerosene or other item that dene the animal's skin, rescuers used vegetable oil to loosen the tar and after several four-hour massage could take all the sticky substance.
The dog was taken to an animal shelter and after several days could be completely clean of the pitch, as seen at the end of the YouTube video, uploaded by Animal Aid Unlimited, which also assists cows, donkey and pigs in India .
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