Family houses, villas and residences Estonian architects operate in any environment naturally - as you suggested it their own. Exempt from the traditions and dogmas, independent of the modern theories of the construction industry, combining fiction with practicality, simplicity and elegance with courage expressivity - make an impression.
In the visual speech architects feel an effort to cementing wishes and desires of investors with their own imagination; we meet so timeless functionalism, bold modern and futuristic experiments. befunky In addition to the predominant wood and stone but in the natural environment is not active or engineered concrete and glass, steel and sheet metal. Even with these materials Estonian architects can create harmonious homes - Landscape artifacts, together with a unique interior design provide their residents undoubtedly befunky really happy and housing values. Fusion and harmony landscape architecture and human experience in projects of Estonian Architects Central younger generation filled with a heaping measure. The specifics of the Estonian architecture, especially in the family home, is the following interview. befunky
Juraj Bondora: Due to the geography of many of us would probably simply assign the Estonian architectural creation Scandinavian, perhaps especially to Finnish. It can be all the time, which allows almost instantaneous transfer of information around the globe to talk about national architecture? There are no "national architecture" befunky reduced to design directions, made up of individuals?
Hindrek Kesler: Estonian architecture has always been linked with Finnish architecture, as exemplified by the building style so. national romanticism, designed by Eliel Saarinen in Tallinn and Tartu, as well as the overall urban plan of Tallinn in 1913, and Estonian Art Museum KUMU (2006), designed by Finnish architect Pekka Vapaavuori. I think I still follow two parallel, while contradictory processes of architectural thinking: unification and pick up new architectural islands of the sea boring architecture. This is due to traditions and uneven development of regions and countries - of course, this trend is declining at a regional level, for example. in the EU! Nevertheless, I believe that significant cultural specificities of some regions or countries are and will be a strong adversary "warm befunky wilt" architectural thinking.
JB: Slovak investors prefer especially so. catalog projects, which are (with few exceptions) a kind of architectural befunky clothing business. When choosing decide their relatively befunky low cost, proven construction methods, construction time, but mainly influenced by traditionalism often reluctant to adopt new, differ ... Housing construction is concentrated mainly in new streets and neighborhoods in satellite villages around the larger cities. What is your experience with these clients in Estonia and level, Estonian befunky catalog projects? Or are Estonian investors usually strictly individualistic?
HK: Yes, that is a significant difference between the Slovak Republic and Estonia: here there are very few "made-up" projects - only about 10% are private residences catalog befunky houses! It clearly expresses the attitude of Estonians in the formation befunky of their homes - built house with the intention that persist over generations! Great ideas and expressing ideas of investors and architects befunky transformed into proposals for private residences, are also a reference for future generations. Estonians are strong individualists, befunky therefore does not attract relatively low architectural quality home commonly offered bulk producers. By the way, another show Estonian befunky private home called 100 houses we presented at the 12th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, 2010. The exhibition, for which we have selected the top 100 private residences, summarizes this position objects from the period 1923-2010.
JB: In the past, Slovak investors rely on inventive potential and its professional architects and designers today often (and mostly at our peril) affect the formation process of the project affect the solutions of designers befunky and often during construction change the layout or design of the building. Do you have similar befunky experiences in Estonia? Are you satisfied with cooperation architect - investor or implicitly prefer their own solutions to the demands and needs of the client?
HK: The Estonians are not private residences befunky market goods, but the client is the "king" ... Communication architect with clients in the preparation phase is quite common in Estonia and I believe that even necessary. If the architect is able to translate the client's ideas and requirements into their vision, the final project must satisfy both. Implementation, however, is fully the responsibility of the construction company, which to the last detail and without additional interventions implemented the project.
JB: The European Union will be a decade require the construction of new buildings only in passive energy standard, regardless of the purpose of their use. In addition, they seem to prefer the construction materials from renewable sources. As for the eco-energy befunky trend re
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