Friday, April 24, 2015

Not coincidentally, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Italy to Russia Antonio Zanardi

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Photo: RIA Novosti on June 14 at the State Museum photoscape free download of Architecture AV Šuseva opened the exhibition of known Italian photographer Massimo Listriho. "Prospects / Prospettive". Historical interiors of the world are the main theme of his work. He began more than 17 years old, tried many genres and settled on architecture and art brought photos interior space to perfection.
? The game of contrasts of light and shadow. Everything is of paramount sharp. The beauty of detail not remain photoscape free download unnoticed. But most importantly, the maestro tries in each picture to bring unforgettable atmosphere foteny interest. Sometimes, when we find ourselves some spectacular place almost immediately begin to breathe in the aroma as the past, which is soaked. Our subconscious is executed paintings nice period, which again and again come to life, while we still inside. photoscape free download A maestro Listry
Something just can not forget. For example, the library dell'Abbazia - Seitenstetten of r. 1994. It is a set of mysterious, blue wall on background sun, golden ceiling with attributes of lemon, which raises doubt an unforgettable experience. Pitti Palace, Florence Hall. The interiors in bright colors impress its lightness and airiness. Or whitewashed palace complex Reggia di Venaria in Turin, which provides the visitor to mirror the parallel world neexitujúcej dreaminess. Worthy of special mention bloody purple reading room of the Royal Library photoscape free download in Rio de Janeiro, as well as the mysterious flashing one of the chandeliers in the palace at Versailles.
Not coincidentally, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Italy to Russia Antonio Zanardi Landi, specifically photoscape free download pointed out that the exhibition demonstrates the significant figure of Massimo Listriho, which is essentially just a photographer, but also the architect.
Director of the State Museum of Architecture A. Šuseva, Irina Korobina, thanked the Italian embassy for help and support in organizing the exhibition, expressed the wish of the Russian admirers of art maestro:
Massimo Listry is genius photo area. Beloved theme of his work is interior. He chooses his endless interiors, which are big prospects. photoscape free download It is quite possible that just because you chose our Museum as the venue for their shows. Who knows, maybe inspired by our interiors and in the future they see on the picture?
Everything is possible. Indeed photographer who recorded forever the beauty of geometry and imagination of the human mind can not condone photoscape free download Russian interiors and architecture, to which such grants, already in love. This means that there is still much beauty that immortalizes his lens.
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