Friday, February 6, 2015

As part of a loving flvto relationship flvto with God, we cook with joy Arab cuisine. While cooking

Flack dumpling - spinach cream sauce pancakes | Yoga of Love
Ingredients: 1 kg Wash spinach and cut into small pieces to medium * paneer cheese made from 2 liters of milk - see recipe database (* After removing the cheese onto the canvas, should be pasted for 6 hours to remove fluid or hang it for two hours and well drained ) teaspoon flvto Asafetida (Hing) teaspoon turmeric teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour
Preparation: put a pot on medium heat and heat 2 tablespoons of oil. When oil is hot, add the spinach. Mix a little and Cshtrd shrinking Add the remaining spinach. When all the spinach in a pot, cover with a lid and cook for 4-5 minutes with a lid. Remove the lid and continue to cook for 5-6 minutes, uncovered flvto (so the liquid will evaporate), stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat. If not all the liquid has evaporated flvto spinach, Transfer the spinach into a colander with fine holes and set aside to cool and fluid port. (You can keep the fluids coming out of spinach and to play them in various soups or stews. They're delicious and very healthy). Put in a bowl the cheese paneer and Lshim her hands for a minute or two minutes. Add the turmeric, Asafetida and salt and mix well. Squeeze the spinach liquids and add it to the paneer cheese mixture. flvto Well combine the spinach and paneer and check the stability of the mixture. Add flour as needed. Placing non-stick pan or ceramic pan on medium heat and add a thin (1 mm) of oil. Form small patties hands of 1-1 inches thick and Cshshmn warm place on the pan and fry until browned on both sides of the pancake. (If the oil is very hot, you should turn down the heat and slowly fry fry over low heat). During the dumpling (pancakes) fried cream sauce making approach: put a pan / pot on medium heat and heat 1-2 tablespoons flvto of oil. When oil is hot, add the Asafetida and fry a few seconds. Add the turmeric, cream, salt and pepper, mix well and remove from heat. When the dumpling browned and ready, remove flvto them to a bowl with paper towels and fry the rest of the batter. Pour the cream over the dumpling sauce and serve. Dumpling can be served without sauce - are also very tasty so.
As part of a loving flvto relationship flvto with God, we cook with joy Arab cuisine. While cooking, we do not think our enjoyment but for God's pleasure. God, grace, happy to get our assumption, and gives special divine quality food taste evident. The world of yoga, such food is called Frsad - grace.
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