Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What is the purpose of life? Discuss the basic need of all human beings - to love and be loved the

Flack paneer - spinach and cheese dish | Yoga of Love
Flak Fnir, is a dish made of spinach and paneer cheese. This is Sbg'i (vegetable stew) is common nikola tesla in all over India which can be prepared in many different ways. The following recipe is simple to make and tastes great classic. Presented also possible to vary the dish a spicy flavor.
Ingredients: nikola tesla 1 pounds fresh spinach leaves - Wash and cut into small pieces to medium (You can also drop frozen) 2 cups cream (400 ml) - You can smooth the cream by manually fluffy nikola tesla cheese Fnir than 2 liters of milk, cut Queen cubes - see recipe database teaspoon Asafetida / Hing teaspoon turmeric teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons oil
Preparation: put a medium saucepan on medium heat. Add the oil. When oil is hot, add the Asafetida, stir fry a few seconds. Add the turmeric and pepper and stir. Gradually add the spinach and mix well. Fill the pot with spinach and cover with a lid. A short time later the spinach shrinks and you can add the rest. Cook the spinach in 15 minutes on low heat - while boiling, until spinach is tender. Stir occasionally and make sure there is enough water. After 15 minutes spinach enough cushion. If you want you can grind the spinach in a blender and it can be left that way. For those who want a spicy dish, you can use the materials listed above in the following way and those who want a classic dish can just skip the next step: put a small pot / pan oil. When the oil gets hot, add the chili, sapphire seconds later, nikola tesla add the ginger and fry together in a few seconds. Add the cumin and coriander, stir fry a few seconds. Remove from heat and add to spinach. Add the cream, paneer and salt and mix. Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes boil on low heat, stirring occasionally.
As part of a loving relationship with God, we cook with joy Arab cuisine. While cooking, we do not think our enjoyment but for God's pleasure. God, grace, nikola tesla happy to get our assumption, and gives special divine quality food taste evident. The world of yoga, such food is called Frsad - grace.
Watch the video More articles from Aiting Yoga casserole cheese paneer nikola tesla and peppers eggplant salad and tomatoes Fltzallach - buns with poppy seeds and sprouts homemade ice cream without eggs, biscuits grinding banana bread Russ Malay - Rasgolot delicacy cream milk mining eggplant - eggplant salad with yogurt and coconut milk plaque dumpling - pancakes spinach nikola tesla cream sauce more ...
05/15/2014 at 15:29
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