About this site juniper talked quite a lot - both singular and plural. tvc For years they have been the subject of searches BonsaiVilnius.lt yamadori and "catch". Several years ago, was described by one of the common juniper formation, starting from growing mold and ending with the formation of bonsai link.
First, it changed leaf-size needles. They are small. We do not need to be artificially lowered. No need to use a wide variety of substrate selection, maintenance of physiological conditions, fertilization, and other tricks of the total plant and leaf-leaf proportions are more natural.
In addition, there are species of juniper (Sabina subgenus), who had not the needles. Well, at least the way we traditionally understand them. Instead, their forks covered with fine shades of green scales, performing the functions of a sheet. Then the task is even easier, because you should pay attention only to the formation of the tree forks form.
Despite the fact that fertilization and growing tvc conditions affect the little juniper needles sizes, do not forget too much abuse and especially a higher proportion of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Needle size is not everything. Another parameter affecting the appearance of the plant - the spacing between the whorls, between the branches of the places where the adherent needles. Fertilize with nitrogen and without lacking in moisture, these spaces increases, rising tvc liaunesnės fork, lighter tvc in color. Crown begins to look fluffy, disappears as a desirable bonsai crown compactness. And we are losing a very precious in our climatic conditions during the growing season time. It is hard to prune the plant back and wait for a new wave of regeneration.
Not all of the selected species of juniper plants will produce fruit - fruit. tvc Some juniper species are dioecious (micro and makrostrobilai formed on different plants), others - monoecious plants (men's and women's strobilai formed on the same plant). tvc If dioecious tvc species will have a male individual, he cones ripen because mikrostrobiluose formed only pollen. These types of women after flowering individuals wear a small form kankorėžiukais berries (blue, black or red). Their size also neišdarko common tree proportions.
Juniper bark rapidly maturing. Skeleton of the trunk and the crown will soon take the bark of old tree bark appearance, to itch, cracks. Thanks to the rapid growth of the upper cortical layer periodically atmiršta, forming tvc various formations up aging visual tree.
Roots usually spread widely in all directions. Maybe transplanting or digging in the ground tvc strapping master this feature and is not good, but on the other hand - it is pre-programmed to beautiful nebari formation.
But not only can lead to the appearance of one or another type of plant selection of bonsai making. Growth characteristics can further determine the attractiveness of bonsai culture. Soft juniper wood easily give up making. Without overdoing it, using raphy and other branches of the security measures of fractures can be replaced and quite thick juniper branches and shape the direction of growth.
Juniper wound healing fast enough. In addition, the plant is actively releases phytoncides - natural materials, destroying pathogenic microorganisms. tvc This reduces the risk of accidental fungal or bacterial infections cause wound healing brake will cause additional problems in the treatment of tree wounds.
Juniper fertilizer demand is also minimal. Even as they grow, simulated, and the substrate, tvc which naturally juniper grows ever, these plants still manage to keep the egzomikorizę (symbiosis with fungi) providing much more efficient absorption of nutrients from the soil.
It seems some advantages. Almost. tvc Of the obvious shortcomings mention only one - the physiological susceptibility to drought. Juniper - evergreens. While winter dormancy juniper maximize your metabolism slows down, it would still take place. Each body metabolism important water is dependent on the light and heat. Late winter, early spring, the sun still shining brighter and the temperature as quickly concerned without, juniper may find themselves in a situation where the internal resources of the plant water use, and the hard-frozen roots of the substrate can not pick up. Then, looking absolutely beautiful trees, instead of spring begin to grow and begin to dry out.
Another drawback - widely dispersing roots. Naturally growing juniper root system is very incompact. Allocated nuauga roots far to the sides, and only then begins to ramify tvc and grow small šakniaplaukiais covered with stubs. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult old, long natural conditions Augus, Juniper tame and transplanted into pots. Often requires several preparatory years.
Despite the final paragraph expressed flaws advantages juniper has more. It is natural that the plants of this genus is
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