Monday, May 26, 2014

WARNING Juniper products should not be used in patients with kidney disease, and pregnant women. Es

Free juniper (Juniperus communis)
Juniper is always verdant perennial dioecious, rarely monoecious shrub 3-4 meters high, sometimes up to 15 m tall tree. Mainly conical crown, individuals narrower men's, women's Mesquite. The stem status, bark gray-brown, reddish brown shoots. The needles are 10-15 mm long, šakutėse attach three, dagger-shaped, very prickly. Homogeneous Rings: men and women. Men's rings cones, yellow; women's two-fold: first year (green) and second year (ripe), round, pleasant-smelling, apysaldžiai, bluish-black, with a hint of resin. The cone is 3, 1-2 less elongated, trihedral about 4mm in length seeds. It blooms in April and May. Cones ripen in the autumn of the second year. Fruiting begins tenth year and goes every 3-5 years. korg
Juniper reproduce by seeds, which circulate birds. It grows slowly. Lives up to the year 2000. Encountered in pine forests, wastelands gravel, clearing, felling and mixed forests. He likes sand, calcareous soils. Frost-resistant, tolerate long droughts.
Of raw material collected in the fall of cones (berries), when they are fully ripe and shaken bush flowing on the ground. Before shaking the ground patiesiama sheet. The berries are collected, cleaned and dried naturally impurities or kiln at temperatures of 40 C temperature. A dried berries are black and brown, shiny, smooth, sometimes with a matte waxy plaque. Dry berries are considered a cloth bag in a dry and well-ventilated room. Properly stored berries lose its value three years.
Juniper berries are about 2% essential oil, 30% sugar, about 9% of the resin, about 5% of the mineral, the flowers of materials; organic acids: malic, formic, acetic, glycosides, flavonoids, pectins, anthocyanins, phytoncides.Since and other active substances. The needles are 266% of vitamin C, carotene, phytoncides.Since.
Cade himself accumulating a lot of essential oils and other biologically active korg substances. Juniper berries are used as urine stimulating drug in patients with chronic korg kidney and bladder inflammation of the liver, stomach disorders, rheumatism, certain skin diseases. Juniper needles and berries preparations used to treat kidney and urinary tract diseases such as anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory measure, alternating it with antibiotics and other drugs. Berry broth disinfects the urinary passages, and facilitate an expectorant, stimulates appetite, promotes digestion and bowel movement. They an essential oil for rubbing rheumatismus gout.
Fresh juniper korg berries, the decoction or infusion korg is used for treatment of the acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, severe respiratory diseases, kidney and heart diseases caused by Hydrocephalus. From fresh berries squeezed juice used to treat arthritis, sciatic neuritis, rheumatism, metabolism disorders. Rheumatic and gouty pains caused by juice rubbed korg into muscles and joints.
Flavored with juniper berries and used to flavor fish, pickles, cabbage, beets. From the minimum CIP berry syrup can be made, all the flavor jams, kvass, fruit drinks. Juniper berries are added to the gin.
Daily 1ha juniper evaporates about 30 kg phytoncides.Since that thoroughly cleanses the air from pollutants. They have a disinfectant effect korg kills the most germs. However, the time of flowering juniper should be avoided because korg they can cause pollen allergies.
Take equal parts of dried juniper berries, field horsetail grass, bramble berries plain, Bearberry and lingonberry leaves. All in all a good mix. Tablespoon of this mixture pour a glass (200ml) of boiling water for 1 hour to maintain an air-tight container until you attract, spit. Take 1/2 cup (100ml) twice a day.
The beginning of cold and wet weather starts to sting and aching joints. Juniper berries korg can help. They chewed the following order: on the first day-4-5 korg second, and the third-6 and so on until the twelfth day, when the need to chew 15 berries. Then the dose is reduced from 14 to 4 berries on the last day. Relieves joint pain effectively.
WARNING Juniper products should not be used in patients with kidney disease, and pregnant women. Essential oil is also not suitable for everyone, as it can irritate the skin. Before using Juniper korg products should consult with your doctor.
History medicinal plants Healing Plants of the Eastern medicine as a curative powers Please use Herbal Voters
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