Recnata Valley in western Macedonia, Koja are nejzinata north side boundaries are Sar Planina in the west are the mountain Korab, Dešat i Krcin from the East Bistra and Stogovo, a south are Debarskata basin, the tumult RIVER. A series of OVAA valley runs the river Radika right tributary to the Crn Drim. River Radika nastanuva adb of two rivers: Gorna or Golema River and Little River. Gorna Reka-Golema originates from Koerab Mountain, a small river of ogranocite on Clear in blizinata in the village Tresonce. Some erudite believe that the source of the Little River nemoze to bide only in the source blizinata on T resonce but also Deka TAA is formed from Tresonecka River and the Garska River (derived from Stogovo in the vicinity of the village of Gari) which in svoite Gorge downstream until nivnoto zdruzuvanje prifakjaat and other river piers, which together yeah formiraat Mala Reka is to nejzinoto vlevanje in the river Radika, in blizinata at Bosco Bridge.
Settlements in ova podracje RIVER - freely husband to go nareceme MIJACIJA, i have toa freely to otrgneme of dosegasnata our myopia (ces to sole proprietors) on imenuvanje only on settlements and population of Mala Reka are Mijacija name dispute (in nekoja literature Mala Reka is appointed by how "clean mijacka adb mean" -zasto?!, how toa other parts of the river is converted adb in the impure ?!) i Mijač; nadolu in the text (In each text) when s staneuva Assembly for podracjeto River jas Also ke thoughts on Mijacija / ta (but not limited to Mala Rijeka), but if he becomes Corps Mijacija / toa signs that this speaks of the river (but not only for Little River), and the place ako pisuvam for Mijač jas mind for Rekanci and vice versa, ie the Seto population of the village bidejkjki He ako at nekogo a bit verat e TAA for me and for others (other thoughts to tie a hundred burned about them upotrebiv ces in isklucoci -moi istomislenici) prestavuva private samosvest i emotion Koe nikako not SMEE that influenced that yes i Amat be at the Macedonian krv - is to work on several continents sostavni koi pripagjaat adb on predelot River that knows explanation for the place again, is to work on several sostavni adb continent koi go formiraat edinstvenoto even a toa e Mijacija adb / ie the River:
1. Gorna Reka, Koja extends along the gorniot running on Radika; 2. Dolna Reka, after sredniot cross Radika; 3. Golema River, the ustieto the river Mala River in Radika to ustirto on Radika adb in Crn Drim (Debar Lake); 4. LITTLE RIVER, adb PO basin of course adb I ISTOIMENATA RIVER FROM Kade I this part of the RIVER GO GET SEGASNOTO NAME MALAREKA. Mala Reka, left tributary how to Radika originated in the vicinity of the village spomenatoto Tresonce (see above for polemikata around the source of Mala Reka), gi pribira in svoeto sink Selecka, Rosocka, Lozorovska, Garska as some piers rekicki how hundreds of the Osojskata i Susickata. In malorekanskio part of the river is naogjaat slednive villages: LAZAROPOLE (main Selo), Galicnik (Golemo Selo); (The first time it mentions in the XIV century, the same vase for such an old village), Tresonce (Staro Selo); (Taro spomenuvanje on Tresonce adb in Tahir defter No. 4 of 1474 / 76G. Derv Village), Gari, Osoj, Mogorce (unique village of malorekanskiot area is a continuous inhabitants Also a i najbrojno in this part of the river), Rosoki, Selce i Susica adb ( prvoto village of malorekanskiot part of the river hundreds of uste in the year 1953 bese zafateno of the "phenomenon of the village adb castle" i Sosem ghost of negovite inhabitants. Susica together with Tresonce e Staroto village of Koe hundred srekjavame adb written documents from malorekanskiot part in the River-to Susica srekjavame datum in Timar-defter No 508 koj dates from the second adb half of the XV century-village derv are KUKJE 9). Except these villages, in podalecnoto Minato, bots and other villages koi Today is not postojat in Little River: Glavina Selo, Lopušnik i Staro Selo.
Lazaropole in the past (pobliskoto Minato up to 60 years of XX century) prestavuvase vtoro the Size of malorekansko village. Are naogja 5 time from Debar (without car collects on the horse) and River high ground at an altitude of 1350 m .. The village Lazaropole in the oldest documents Kade hundred for the first time srekjavame written information about the villages of malorekanskiot part in the river does not go srekjavame. In the oldest documents gi srekjavame villages Tresonce, Susica i Galicnik, no approximates their location was not kao denesnata. Thus the village Tresonce fortifications e prvicnata adb location adb i is known that the naogjalo in podnozjeto on vrvot Brzovec at one time from Lazaropole. The village of Galicnik is veruva Deka nastanalo of nekogasnoto Staro Selo Koe hundred to naogjalo adb pomegju denesnite villages Susica I Galicnik. Istoto stojaliste the upotrebuva i for i Susica is considered to toa i nastanalo village of Staro Selo nekogasnata settlement. The settlement Staro Selo, according to the tradition, the veruva Deka was wholesale village, but for Negova nesrekja the naogjalo on the road koj minuval through Bistra i gi povrzuvl Debar and Gostivar. Due to zulumite the village adb grew. We saw Deka Lazaropole in these documents before the Turkish census defteri not go srekjavame i due toa Some learned terminates Deka Lazaropole of burned villages spomenative, e pomlado village. Well we saw Deka these villages yes menuvale svojata location set the time and only zatoa hundreds tie the spomenuvaat in znacajnite Turkish
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