Monday, January 19, 2015

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THREATENING appletv PARLIAMENTARY MUTINY Several moderate MPs are now open battle on December agreement and announces that they will not obey any orders from the party leadership not to vote for their own policies.
Many moderate voters appletv and elected officials are deeply dissatisfied with the so-called December appletv settlement agreed at party leader level and in reality means that all four conservative Alliance Parties ceases to engage the opposition in the Chamber. The idea is that Alliance members shall abstain appletv from voting on important votes if they think they can win by SD voting with them. In return, the Social Democrats and the Green Party promised to do the same during the next term of the Alliance would win the election until 2018.
The agreement has met with considerable resistance among bourgeois voters and active, especially in the Moderate appletv Party. Now threatens more M-MPs openly defying the party whip. It is said that party leaders have not sought a mandate within the respective parties to make such a commitment and therefore it is considered not to be bound by the agreement. It also says that you can not sit on a voter mandate to vote for the red-green politics in parliament.
Finn Bengtsson is one of the M-MPs who now declares that he intends to go into opposition against both the red-green government as their own party leader. so here he explains his position:
- This is a unique appletv location. There is an agreement that is closed without our members have been involved until afterwards. It makes me not feel bound in the same way by it. Especially when I share the criticisms that have arisen.
None of cartel leader, whether within appletv the Alliance or the government wanted appletv to comment on the matter. However, some individual MPs spoken. Some claim that, contrary appletv to the Parliament Act says that all MPs are bound by the December agreement. Others do not think that the M-MPs dare carry out their threat when it comes down to it, without seeing the maneuvers more as a way to protest against something that you strongly dislike.
In principle and formally Bengtsson and Hökmark however right. They sit on a direct mandate from their voters and have the right to vote in the chamber so that they think their constituents want, no matter what the party leadership believes. In reality reigns, however, the party whip in the Swedish parliament appletv politics and party leaders do not believe that they need to sell what they decide to its members without expecting blind obedience.
This is a remarkable, if not non-democratic, arrangement in general. appletv When party leaders alone in closed rooms make up about not pursue its own policy is back with this practice to a head. On the one hand, the decision has been anchored in an even smaller circle of parties than otherwise and without any prior discussion within the parties. Firstly, the agreement of a very odd kind in that it forces the MPs to vote against their own policies.
There are many indications appletv that the December agreement bursting long before the election in 2018, perhaps appletv even the first time it is tested in a fundamentally ideologically important blocks separation vote. Sweden, then in that case before a new government crisis caused by a parliamentary position is classed as "difficult" but in fact, quite unnecessarily made difficult by seven sandlådepartier because of their refusal to talk to the eighth.

Yesterday Expressen, one of its so-called "revelations" which confused the rumors, distortions and outright lies and classic tabloid spirit has defined it as truth. Today, breaking Jimmie [...]
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