S has no integration policy. The sharp criticism directed Thursday Moderates Elisabeth Svantesson against the ruling party. Now comes an unexpected attack from her alliance colleague transition Roger Haddad, Liberal Party of integration policy spokesperson. - I would argue that neither transition Conservatives have a policy of integration.
Integration has become one of the hottest policies after the election. First, the Sweden Democrats promised to make extra selection to "a referendum on immigration". Then came the Christian Democrats took place at DN Debate on lower premiums and new establishment deductions. Yesterday chose well Göran Hägglund as Moderates Elisabeth Svantesson to harshly criticize the Social Democrats of lacking integration policy.
Above all, the moderate criticism amazes Roger Haddad, Liberal transition Party of integration and labor market policy spokesperson, who now engage in the debate. He agrees with the criticism leveled against the Social Democrats, but also says that it equally applies alliance colleague Moderates. transition
- I am equally critical of the Moderates transition not raised the issue at all. Neither transition S or M wanted to discuss the difficult challenges of integration policies, in particular related to working life.
Roger Haddad says that it is necessary to revise labor market policies, based on an integration policy transition perspective. Such a perspective must really permeate, he says, from "homes for adult education".
- We've suddenly transition got into a situation where everyone wants to talk integration policies, but concrete proposals are conspicuous by their absence. The Conservatives and Social Democrats have in any case not pushed some suggestions. The chamber debate just before Christmas did not feature the Social Democrats a single proposal for better integration, it is not credible
The post of minister of integration during the previous term of office transition held by the Liberal Party and Erik Ullenhag. It was not enough to achieve fundamental changes in the area of integration, says Roger Haddad.
- We delivered not and did not reach sufficiently. However, transition once the largest government party and the main opposition party does not want to talk about a particular issue, so control it is largely the political agenda.
Roger Haddad consider the establishment reform as the biggest transition success during the Alliance government. This meant that the responsibility for newcomers moved from the municipal social services to the Employment Service. Another Alliance initiative was to conduct a review of the Employment Service. transition
- It was stopped by the Social Democrats but it had been very important for an improved integration policy. You also need to loosen up the labor market and lower thresholds to jobs, especially for foreign-born. We need to discuss priority rules and starting salaries. But the Conservatives have liked to stick to the Swedish model. In this regard, I welcome the fact that Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) in Aftonbladet says he wants to invite the social partners to talks about integration.
A working group within the Liberal Party, led by Roger Haddad, is working to develop concrete proposals to improve integration. This work was linked to the extraordinary elections, which were canceled in connection with the December agreement. Now it is uncertain when the proposals are presented.
- There is something that I will consult with party leader Jan Björklund on. But it is the time of trial now. It requires a long-term transition effort to build credibility on how to work with integration issues.
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