Friday, March 27, 2015

all max users greetings ddmf Step1: now max çalışdırıp front switch to the view ... you draw a plan

all max users greetings ddmf Step1: now max çalışdırıp front switch to the view ... you draw a plane from standard primitives menu length: 100 width: 100 that you segmetinde number ddmf 1 data .pl until While the chosen X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 50 Please give the value STEP2: shapes Select menu Line now snap settings yapalım.snap 'to proceed to snap settings by clicking the opposite just as a shortcut key from başlayalım.klavye drawing now .We keep the vertex marked "S" by pressing the snap of fragmentation for the fragmentation of the wall as my acalım.resi the time of parcaca of cizicez: D What More tracks until we get closer to the truth if an image. line as the picture ', you must connect each of the end point. Please note: In order to ensure that we use as a reference planer flat plane we draw our wall piece fill line ^ s la ... I did 9 the number of par. Step3: If you apply the above steps until we draw plan as a reference, you can delete it now. Select the entire line as the picture ddmf s. After the election process luna chooses ddmf when to modify menu "edit spline" ddmf "In exru" and "Follow the UWM mapping command. Set as shim settings in the picture. Extrude = amount: 5 segments: 1 UVW Mapping: If you use a box if I put plated picture for the wall. burdan You can also find super texdur to s Extrude = amount: 5 segments: 1 UVW Mapping: box Step4: ddmf Full Line s chosen and UVW Mapping elected, while the keyboard "M" pressing Meteryal editor menu short Coating menu run. tilig value as in the pictures ddmf if you want you 5-5 can put on the wall picture I gave as examples ... When you apply the coating Parts are done in a certain olmuyor now cıkabilirz the mofiki ddmf and plated ddmf menu. step 5: Now 3ds max as gravity wind etc. "" " "Reactor" "" "to benefit from the features ... under your wall as the picture, create a plane .and against the wall about 3 feet away, and a sphere of 2 meters height" Shaper "draw your sample to reduce the number of segments 15 Rectoria process considerably ask you when ISMC .. Add as Reactor The plug in the Helpers menu rect Extract ddmf the by clicking the opposite tolbar as short or picture .. switch to perspective view and press the button CTRL add that you have selected all objects from Reactor menu Ridig body collection and then the select objet menu will react select the entire line menu, add a fracture in a needed to be alone all the line L is selected. ddmf Step6: Let's apply as bodies of gravity adjustment in the picture when all the link are chosen ridig body settings from the mass value of 30 that is part of the weight of the simulation geometry is set in mesh with concave now sphere weights 50 data kg concave Unyielding for mesh floor so hard round you Step7: we can start animation ... Set in the picture, such as spheres of our front windows are also key frame Turn 5 and take it a little further right to our globe has got to be hungry as auto key heseplat reactor. attractive as in the picture, click on the button to launch the Reactor star Utulities menu frame 2 whilst also create animation (anmasyo ddmf is set up), click on the button. now we are tired, but react to the hard part of the job yapıyoo .. you can coatings and renders as your request after the hesepl process ending have worked up to tell simple as I dear friends hand if you have any writing I wrong to get my failure to get the shortest route to use to get in unfamiliar terms can warn me .... February 25, 2007, 02:30:27

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