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Rebecca Boyle science blog PopSci has chosen eight fully paved with important genomes in 2012, and added to the growing listentoyoutube number of full genomes that the investigators. Boyle was appointed the eight genomes of three major food plants: listentoyoutube tomato, barley and watermelon. Other genomes octet of Boyle belong gorilla, human sperm, passing a 12-week womb, the domesticated pig and regions in the human genome that do not encode genes. Here we extend, of course, the "genomic food."
Tomato, starring in salads, sauces and soups, is considered a vegetable, but botanically is the result. It belongs to the Solanaceae family, with relatives like potatoes, peppers, eggplant and tobacco and petunia flowers. The tomato is a longtime listentoyoutube resident of the world, aged about 60 million years. Indoor America, northern Andes, there was domesticated, and from there came to Europe in the 16th century by the Spanish.
May the tomato genome listentoyoutube published international consortium, the newspaper listentoyoutube Nature, after nine years of work, the DNA sequence Two full tomato varieties: Heinz Tomato Mbweitt species in 1706, and tomato closest bar, Solanum pimpinellifolium.
Is the tomato genome contains 35,000 genes, sitting on 12 chromosomes. Comparison of the sequences of two tomato varieties showed very small differences between them. The data can be learned about the factors that affect listentoyoutube the features like color, flavor, and texture of meat, and we hope they will allow to return listentoyoutube the taste and other features more bland tomato varieties, and create new varieties with desirable traits. In addition, the new genomes will allow researchers to understand from new issues listentoyoutube of fruit biology, disease resistance, root development and nutritional value, and, by comparison, to learn about other Solanaceae family. We conducted a comparison with the potato genome and the genome grapes (not Solanaceae) and reached a number of insights into the evolution of species.
In October, the barley genome sequencing consortium newspaper Nature draft DNA sequence Of this important grain. listentoyoutube Barley belongs to the genus Triticea, along with wheat and rye. All three of the first grain domesticated man. Archaeological finds indicate listentoyoutube that barley was domesticated 10,000 years ago.
Barley genome sequencing was a great challenge, because the DNA sequence Contains many sections repetitive, and hard to match them to the appropriate listentoyoutube place B"fazl ". Based on the current decryption listentoyoutube of the data, it appears that the number of genes in the genome is 30,400. As part of the project, listentoyoutube the researchers also compared different varieties of barley. The data will allow to develop more cost ears of wheat berries, may be more resistant to disease, drought and a different quality of water and soil, which are among the challenges faced by growers in this age of dramatic changes in climate.
Inhabitants of pubs around the world can hope that based on the data discovered, developed whiskey beers better. listentoyoutube For example, different varieties of barley behave differently in the mash, mix crushed grain and water, which affects the efficiency of fermentation listentoyoutube and different characteristics of the capital. More on this will be possible to study further research.
The origin listentoyoutube of the watermelon, the son of vegetables, Africa. It was domesticated by the Egyptians some 4,000 years ago. Juicy fruit, containing over 90% water, was an important water source dry desert climate. Today, over 400 species known worldwide. Watermelon also contains nutrients such as vitamins A and C and the antioxidant listentoyoutube lycopene.
Watermelon genome consortium published in November, the newspaper listentoyoutube Nature Genetics, the DNA sequence Domesticated full watermelon. Its genome contains 23,440 genes and 11 chromosomes. The researchers compared genomes of 20 different strains of watermelons. This comparison enabled them to identify which areas of the genome were affected by human preferences (selection), such as those related to taste, size and color of the fruit. Also revealed that most of the genes that enable the plant to resist pests have been lost in the process of domestication, and we hope that now it will be possible listentoyoutube to return listentoyoutube about watermelon to their natural defense mechanisms. Of course, the data will also allow to develop juicy, sweet and tastier.
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