Thursday, July 24, 2014

The remaining sandwich and addikxin. The sound of

Maltese tax to addiction? The fashion came tispelliha catching and kicking as Maltese. Addikxin. Except that there are those who tell ... "no, that is not addikxin, watermark but eddikxin". The same problem arises nikkupjaw many words from English. The problem lies in the fact that the sound of English and Maltese are fundamentally different, and the Maltese alphabet have stretched to accommodate the sound of certain watermark words derived from English.
The same problem encountered addikxin watermark or eddikxin to nispellu manager / manager, fax / fax, sandwich or sendwiċċ, et cetera. Then there is that the aberration that I can nniżżilha free: television. Jaqq! Sori, but the letter xe Maltese only has one sound, the same sound as sunlight, no, trolling, walking. So how to write the Maltese version of Beijing, to avoid another aberration The Beijing?
I think there need to introduce some new letters for these sounds in Maltese alphabet. And as we dance in removing that extra ridikolaġni of the dot on whose ce. But today is not on so I write. Had for 'x' soft television, just as young zeta Augmenting soft spot, the same needs work 'x' of television. True to create another problem because they have to update the Maltese keyboard computer, but after a period of transition not see to be a problem (in this case use the button that currently use for ce with a dot, which as we dance in nabolixxuha ...).
With words that came to mind jiġunix Maltese from English to have the letters "th". In fact, not to mention a letter here we would need a new sound to make dal. Even when we speak English, we Maltese instead of "clean your Teeth" say "clean your teats", watermark and for "third" say "turd", voldieri I nobsor to enter Maltese words from English by letters th, Maltese automatically will become 't' or 'd'.
The remaining sandwich and addikxin. The sound of 'a' and manager f'sandwich watermark actually be somewhere between manager and manager's. And how will nirrenduh dal sound? The only possibility I see is to put a mark on the letter 'a', for example å. Manager, Sandwich, fax and åddikxin. Ridikola? Strange? Everything habituation. The dots and drajnihom cutting heads are part of the language, and niħduhom for granted (and books on how nispellu forgrantit niftħux! ...). Definitely makes more sense than the dot absolutely unnecessary on grounds of c, which is eliminating the Maltese watermark alphabet letters one of the most commonly used international watermark letter 'c'.
So then, my proposal decided watermark to adopt it. Åddikxin. Or is there any other word already Maltese for 'addiction'? Addiction? Dependence on drugs. Dependence on tobacco, alcohol. watermark Hmm. "What is åddiktiv that game!" How will ngħidha this? "I have a dil X'dipendenza game!" Not good is it? I am dependent of the game bejeweled blitz? Or åddiktid for the game bejeweled blitz?
And we have been, wow wow, for what I wanted to say own tonight. Yes brother. As some who has the habit of smoking, drinking, drugs, I have to my åddikxin - the bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. Naqbad nilgħabha and I can not quit. What do I do when I do not have, and start nilgħabha. I what do I do, and also nilgħabha. Inqerr are here with you, dear two readers. Niċċassa cloths eyes to the monitor.
X'ħela time jaħasra! No wealth no escaping it dil fixation. watermark Hmm, another possibility that, fixation, instead åddikxin. Mamma percent, iżommuk imkaħħal everything done to it. Bring the classification by points tippika friends to stay with. Once a week resumes anyone from zero, to give another chance to rise first. After only minutes, so as to be logged in at a pace well, the game stops abruptly, and then you want to play other end to go better. And after playing other end ... then decided not nilgħabhiex watermark more. Instead, when I do not get what do I do, I get nħarbex something here. I hope more good issue.
Although "there are skeins tell what you write?" And "I do not naqrahomx because idejquni" watermark smajthom well. Patience. Nor Xejkspjer everyone liked him, and then as I think'm.
That, dear friends, if ever taqbduni have re waqajt in habit and see my name in class bejeweled after next Tuesday - when the points start from zero again everyone - Tell me: you are scheduled ashamed, m 'you wilpawer of anything!
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