Friday, July 25, 2014

There needs to be shifted and financial exploitation psikoloġikuminndawn couples who are suffering,

'Finish this experience told me mother gave birth by IVF technology. Told me that can not sleep because, although today have a child, but is also aware that it had to be abandon "sons" other also propagated with this child! '
The image of Sorrows you tube to mp3 with dead body of her son on her feet Jesus invites us to reflect on the suffering of the mother in relation to the mystery of life. On this occasion therefore invite our society, particularly the Catholic community in our country, to take a greater commitment to the sorrow of the same society before the mystery of life.
I have in mind those married couples have infertility you tube to mp3 problems. These couples want to welcome the gift of life, but for one reason or another not succeed. The Church and the State can not be indifferent to the plight of their suffering due to the problem of infertility, which unfortunately seems to be increasing. I am bound to nikkumpatixxi and nakkumpanja those people who want to become fathers and mothers but can not!
Here I appeal to people of science who have a duty to help really means to be ethically sound to these couples to possibly resolve the problem. Is never enough scientific research to address this difficulty. It is unfortunate that there is enough research in this area. Likely who usually leave the money for these projects you tube to mp3 seemingly worthwhile, because actually found a scientific solution to overcome infertility, which solution makes big money. I call on the State to the health system, which works with public money, provide services that are morally sound and consistent with the oath that doctors take as defenders of human life, for those couples who għaddejjinminndan the recipient sorrow.
There needs to be shifted and financial exploitation psikoloġikuminndawn couples who are suffering, that since they have a strong desire to have children, telling them to sit for everything science. Our people has great confidence in the medical profession and therefore often receive no hesitation giving the doctor advice. This puts a huge burden you tube to mp3 on the shoulders the medical profession, because if someone unscrupulous could be avail most patient!
Science, except to noble goals, may have other, less noble, not to say embarrassing you tube to mp3 goals! It is a fact that even in science there who has an interest in making money! you tube to mp3 Today there is a human life industry - industry capable of making big profits! Furthermore, science is also able to come to exploit vulnerable people, both at state and as adults embryo for research purposes! Recently I heard that here association of bats, which association shall say in our forums! I have nothing against animals, but I wonder how we are able to raise the voice together to get over the culture of life and nħalluhiex not be overcome you tube to mp3 by the culture of death that the liberal and progressive want to promote!
The solution for infertility are pushing forward science section called "assisted conception" or IVF (in vitro fertilization). Through this technology, man ceases to derive fruit of married love and the process by which nature has given us, but is "manufactured" in the laboratory. As your spiritual shepherd'm bound to tell you that this method of assisted conception is not morally acceptable to the Church. This does not mean that the Church is not sensitive to the difficulties associated with infertility; but the Church, which today often become lone voice, has the duty to teach the truth respecting God the Creator and respect for the man, particularly to the newly conceived human and no human voice and weak! It is the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel of Life.
There are three reasons why assisted breeding is morally wrong. Firstly because the dignity of human life requires life love fruit stems within the married couple. Therefore prokreattiv act can not be separated from an unitiv: the act of love whereby the couple expresses its openness to life must also be an act to express their unity as "one body". Metal life is "manufactured" in the laboratory, these two dimensions you tube to mp3 of conjugal love are not respected together!
Easy in such cases one argues with emotion and makes the argument of mercy, meaning that before many couples feel the absence of children, should be made an exception from the principle! This argument of mercy also used in the discussion on the introduction you tube to mp3 of divorce and led several in error! It would be very dangerous to society if we start argue that good faith justify resorting to means even if they hum

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