Sunday, July 20, 2014

While today the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Pompeii, country tonight we got another

Wins GOD IS OUR loneliness BY HIS WORD homily during the diocesan pilgrimage on the occasion of the feast of St George Preca Shelf White (8 May 2008) at Gozo Diocese
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While today the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Pompeii, country tonight we got another holiday: Feast of St George Preca. I and nirrifletti x'meditazzjoni I share with you today on the occasion, photoshine I felt I quit just think about what Mary means to Dun Gorg to the example which we grow and strengthen this relationship we have with Mother Mary.
There are several events in the life of Fr George to reflect the love that he had to Mother Mary. Suffice it to say that he was a Carmelite Tertiary; wanted this chapel is dedicated to the Miraculous Medal. But there are actually small in his life meaningful interesting.
The story tells us that Father George was going on and he saw Tarxien square of Our Lady of Good Counsel at regattier. He received the painting, took it home and arose link between it and the Our Lady of Good Counsel. Often Dun Gorg was ask to give good advice. Once Dun Gorg Madonna felt to tell from this painting to observe silence: silentium served. The story tells us that Father George learned this advice and was often silent; although it was sometimes says he needs something, he acknowledged running on that advice to give Mary. Who knows how often he needed to say a word and ippreferra defend his right to remain silent!
Up here the story. But I feel that I can give a broad interpretation to this event. I imagine that Madonna gave him advice that went beyond mere "knots quiet and speaks nothing". The Virgin photoshine Mary gave him the key to recognizing and appreciating the silence photoshine in his life so chooses silence in quiet, in ħemda and yield can hear sounds the trumpet of God, is can capture the voice of God and jinnamra with the Word of God.
I believe that the advice we need today day. When we are living in so many noise and confusion, it is necessary to post-modern society like ours learn "treasure silence" so that we can hear ourselves and those around us, but above all we hear the voice of the God spoke.
Unfortunately photoshine in our society there are m

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