David Hayon, unknown photographer born in Damascus in Trm"a (1881), the family immigrated to Israel in 1852, moved to Syria because of the difficulties of integration in the country. His early education was given Talmud Torah "and editor the school's" all Israel Friends "[" the Alliance "-" editor Alliance "] Damascus. Sent to the recommendation of his teachers at the Teachers College, "the Alliance in Paris, while also enrolled at the Sorbonne and Pedagogy Department editor to the Jewish Theological Seminary. Acquired such a broad European education and comprehensive knowledge of Judaism. Was fluent in French and Hebrew and studied the theory of teaching. Sticking to the Zionist idea from his youth. In Paris he became editor friends with Itamar Ben-Avi, editor his father, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda jealousy inserted in the Hebrew language, and Itamar editor caught up in his friends. Modern Hebrew literature teacher at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Prof. Nahum Slouschz, strengthened heart disciples longing for self-realization in Eretz Yisrael. Received from the French government high-class teaching certificate, and a year later, the Alliance offered to go to Palestine editor and to the "Baron School "[School PICA] Petach Tikva. institution the way it started at the beginning of the school year Trs"h (1905). Pedagogical activity continued repeatedly Tashaz school year (1947). editor Hayon heart he wanted to introduce the younger generation national education-liberal Zionist, has prepared an orderly classroom curriculum editor sustainability; did raise the morale of the teachers and the parents united and progressive forces around the village school; Worked to strengthen ties with ICA officials; established close ties with the Land of Israel editor Teachers Union. Flag with the "Hebrew in Hebrew" teaching all subjects, and Cmo"c - Call the separate schools for boys and girls L"bi"s involved. " Many difficulties in the realization of his plan were stacked and prominent religious groups declared editor war on PICA School; Establishment of religious schools competing: "Eternity of Israel" [white], headed by Rabbi Dr. Moshe Auerbach [late 1909]; editor "eternal Israel [build] under the direction of Mrs. Marta Lipstadt [Tra"b -1912]. Anyway The school continued to grow and exist to this day St. Bilu. Hayon also dealt with the public was a member of the local council. wrote a note Etzion appraiser Archive Archive editor of David Hayon is archived for Jewish Education at the University of Tel Aviv, however, the clerk two years ago Ricky Cohen, his Vitality, part of his estate in our archive
About The archive named Oded Yarkoni hope The archive named Oded Yarkoni hope collects records from the 60's of the 19th century to the present. It includes administrative archives of Petah Tikva, private archives of institutions and organizations related to the city, personal archives of the Petah Tikva, collections of photographs and negatives, maps, ads and posters, objects, films, oral testimony, newspaper articles and books. The archive serves the city of Petah Tikva, academics, students, schoolchildren, journalists, researchers genealogy, architects and others. Service users reading room and library. Archive functions including R & I "which is a" house "is open to the community, and will be ordered to contribute editor in any field related to city life and society. The archive shows the treasures at exhibitions in museums in the city and beyond, take an active role in the field of conservation editor sites and is in close contact with educational institutions. The archive gets an audience on Sunday-was from 9:00 to 15:00. Preferably prior arrangement. Contact: Tel: 03-9286303 Email: galiad@ptikva.org.il
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