Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Autodyne system through constructive simplicity and high sensitivity malohabarytnosti are widely us

Autodyne radar to determine vernacular the direction of motion of the object is displayed | World of electronic circuits
Abstract - The paper describes three options for technical solutions Autodyne radars, providing the ability to simultaneously measure the velocity of objects and determine the direction of relative movement radar includes an antenna connected to Autodyne Transceiving module with frequency conversion and rozvyazuyut broadband transformer, vernacular power intermediate frequency signal, a frequency discriminator amplitude detector, a phase comparator and frequency meter shifting relative motion is determined through vernacular the phase shift between Autodyne changes in amplitude and oscillation frequency of the generator is influenced by their own reflected radiation
I Introduction
Autodyne system through constructive simplicity and high sensitivity malohabarytnosti are widely used to solve various problems near the radar, vernacular control processes and other purposes [1] The principle of operation of these systems is based on Autodyne effect is to change the parameters of the self-oscillation oscillator under the influence of reflected electromagnetic radiation [2] The resultant Autodyne review recorded as a corresponding signals in the circuit or power generator or an external detector, which branches vernacular off of his power frequency vernacular signals Autodyne equal Doppler characterizes the velocity of the object and the relative phase shifts them to change avtosmescheniya amplitude and frequency of self-oscillations provide the ability to determine the direction of movement using the phase comparator which captures only the sign of the phase difference signal corresponding Below we describe three variants of technical solution that implements this principle
When the power supply from the power source to the receiver Autodyne-2 frequency conversion (see Fig1) microwave oscillations occur at frequencies ωι and HO2 Fluctuations in frequency ωι entering the antenna 1 and radiated into space at the same time existing Autodyne receiver
2 microwave oscillations at frequencies ωι Gogh and cause changes in the average value of the current at the output of the difference frequency Gore = | ωι - Ho2 | These changes stand adapter and converted into a voltage signal of intermediate frequency vernacular using rozvyazuye broadband transformer 3 Next this signal with a frequency hopch amplified IF signal amplifier 4 provided Mountains Ξ Hopch
Reflected from moving objects electromagnetic radiation entering through the antenna 1 in Autodyne receiver 2, which interacts with its own vibrations, causing it Autodyne effect [2,3], as reflected in changes in the amplitude Autodyne ΔΑι (ί) and frequency ωι (ί) avtokolebanyy of Doppler frequency [3]: ΔΑι (ί) = G AoiKcos Ιβ + β), ωι (ί) = hoyu + Aroim sin (δ + ψ), where G = (Pci / Poi) ^ attenuation (amplitude) radiation during its propagation to the object vernacular and reflects back Pd, Ροι - the power of the reflected signal and the emitted vibrations respectively Αοι, ωοι - amplitude and frequency of autonomous oscillations avtodynnoho vernacular transceiver 2 Ka - avtodynnoho amplification factor that shows how many times the value of the amplitude changes Autodyne ΔΑι (ί) avtokolebanyy vernacular greater amplitude of the received signal [2] δ = ωι (τ) - foray phase radiation during its propagation by
time τ = 2ί (t) / p - time distribution of radiation to the reflecting object, located at a distance (t), and back with - radio propagation velocity β, ψ - phase displacement angles Autodyne changes in amplitude vernacular and frequency fluctuations Aho1t = G ( hoyu / OVN) - amplitude (deviation) Autodyne changes the oscillation frequency transceiver avtodynnoho 2 at the frequency of oscillation vernacular ωι Qbhi - external quality factor avtodynnoho transceiver at a frequency of 2 ωι
2 Ahopch ^ 2Aho1t, turns PROMOD-lyrovannoy amplitude and frequency: and h (t) = Αοι K, by IF [1 + I ~ KaC0S (Ωdt + β)] cos [ωροί + mi cos (Qflt + ψ)], where K p to h - conversion vernacular factors Autodyne amplitude changes Autodyne transceiver 2 and IF amplifier gain according Unit 4 = 2roiV / c - pre-plerovskaya Autodyne frequency change V - radial velocity of the object reflecting mi = Aho1t/Od - index of frequency modulation signal at the entrance of RR 5, as a rule, does not depend on the amplitude (it uses the amplitude limiter at its entrance) Therefore, vernacular the signal at the output of BH 5 is: ichd (1) = UmSin (Ωdt + ψ), where w Zchd Aho1t = - the amplitude of the signal at the output Zchd BH - BH 5 transconductance characteristics Doppler signal output RR 5 then enters the meter rate 6, which provides a velocity of objects Amplitude Detector
7 highlights ohybayuschuyu IF amplifier output signal 4: IDD (t) = Ua cos (Od1 + β),

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