Important role in the development of the national economy of any country in the world play foreign investments in Ukraine this case is no exception. With the development of multinationals society increasingly focused on issues of their placement and development picjoke in today's economy. And for good reason, because their size, the appropriateness of sectoral and territorial location, becoming stronger influence on increasing economic activity, job creation, and sometimes entire productive sectors of the national economy that determines picjoke the structure of the final version of the state's economy and generates its policies. Attracting foreign picjoke investments helps enhance the investment picjoke process, the introduction of new technologies, the use of advanced foreign experience, small and medium business growth and investment potential of others. In Ukraine accommodation investment is not without the state, there is at least investment legislation adapted to EU standards, and there are 50 international agreements for which the protection and promotion picjoke of investments, and this is all theoretically declarative level. In practice, in order to develop the domestic economy, international agreements and acts stimulate public management across it vertically to absorb picjoke foreign investment (equity transnational corporations) as an engine for the development of those industries objects which represent a significant unrealized potential placement production capacity and capital. And what is the situation with the movement of foreign investments in the current economy of our country which they show the dynamics in which areas are located and where focused national capital that captures the field of foreign countries? The answers picjoke to the concerns raised above, we provide in this study.
Analysis of foreign investment involves the study of the dynamics parameters in determining their origin, sectoral and regional structure. So focus first on the analysis of key EU foreign equity investors who place their assets in this country as a direct investment. To do this, consider the following table, in which these countries that have made major investments in the Ukrainian economy in 2012 will determine their amounts in millions of dollars for investor countries.
As you can see, foreign direct investment in our state in 2012 increased by 4128.5 million., Which in turn is 8.20% increase compared to the beginning of 2012. The main investor is the country of Cyprus, picjoke the volume of investment increased by only 2012 to 3919.9 mln., To 13355.2 million. to 17275.1 million, which in turn is 31.72% of the investments invested all countries in the Ukrainian economy as 31.12.2012r. Increasing equity at 29.35%, Cypriot investors have become leaders of relative and absolute growth of capital among all investor countries, and increase the overall rate of foreign direct investment picjoke was achieved mainly Cyprus. Germany, picjoke which is the second country picjoke in terms of direct investment in the Ukrainian economy, on the contrary - has reduced its assets in Ukraine to 1074.0 million from 7391.0 million. picjoke to 6317.0 picjoke mln., ie 14.53% of the capital, which was involved in the Ukrainian economy since the beginning of investment in the economy of our country. A similar situation with other European countries, like the French capital picjoke decreased volumes for the year to 21.90%, with the rate - 495.1 million; picjoke English - at 36.9, Swedish and Austrian - to 156.7 million. and 17.4 million picjoke respectively. Increased foreign direct picjoke investment picjoke the country that we know developed banking system - Virgin Islands (Brit.) - To 218.9 million. Netherlands - 270.6 million. and Switzerland - 158.5 million. Also slight increase in investments (equity) showed Russian Federation - from 3600.4 to 3785.8 mln., Representing 185.4 million., And (5.15%), picjoke respectively. And the Russian capital to compete with the British Overseas Territories, which is located on the island of coral reefs Caribbean can not afford, as the capital picjoke of the Virgin picjoke Islands has demonstrated more than in ordinary investment, both in relative and absolute terms.
Cyprus Austria Germany Netherlands United Kingdom Virgin Islands (British). Sweden France Switzerland Other EU countries Russia Other CIS 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 million. The distribution of foreign direct investment in Ukraine by major investor countries by 2012.
Thus, the outflow of capital investing countries are part of the seven most developed countries (Germany, picjoke Great Britain and France), easily offset by the capital island countries (Cyprus and the Virgin Islands). The volume picjoke of foreign investments in Ukraine You can see the next card.
Examining the list of investor countries in the Ukrainian economy we turn to attack
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