Consider two systems of reference (JI): inertial reference system XYZ, which is fixed and a moving inertial reference system X 'Y'Z', which is moving forward at a speed u 'along the axis OX. Let the point O, O 'at time t 0 = 0 coincide.
l '= modo x 2' - x 1 '= (x 2 - ut) - (x 1 - ut) = x 2 - x 1 = l
In classical (Newtonian) mechanics is assumed that the passage of time does not depend on the relative motion of reference, ie it is the same in all inertial reference modo systems (systems that move uniformly and steadily relative to the other). modo
Let the point M (x ', y', z ') in the system K' moving with velocity v along the axis Ox. During Δ t make it move S 1, and the system K 'moves with respect to the displacement vector K S 2. The total displacement S in the absolute coordinate system:
The essence of the Galilean transformations is that if we have an inertial reference system K, the arbitrary system K 'which is moving modo relative to K straightforward and uniform, will also inertial.
[In the transition to the mechanics of high speeds - relativistic mechanics - Galilean transformation is performed. Valid are Lorentz (Galilean transformation is a limiting case of Lorentz transformations modo with v << c).
Note that the length of the segment AB in the moving SV change its value as the time interval between two events - a different WIS proceeds differently. This finding gives us a theoretical possibility to move in time.] In the body fatter modo font selected vectors. Posted 11.11.11r., Time 11:11 advisable to read:
Four formulating Ohm's law E dnym the best known laws of physics are certainly Ohm's law. This law is common in both h ...
District (city) Olympiad in Physics. On Saturday, 27.11.11r. was the regional competition in physics for regular schools (non-core ...
Weather in Lviv
autooscillations adiabat Einstein astronomy modo atmosphere atomic physics atomic nucleus barometric f la Higgs boson radiation water and ice free fall viscosity gas van der Waals gravity Huygens principle hydrodynamics gyroscope mass defect DZ Astronomy; dynamics of diffusion ROC ROC "Summer" ROC ROC-10-11-9 RBIs DR-11 insulator elektoroliz electrician electrician in nature modo electric field electric charge electric current electric resistance electromagnetic induction electrostatics modo energy EMF problem Hooke's law Coulomb's law Ohm's law EIA earthquake visual illusions quantum Kepler's laws of physics efficiency (electricity) complex impedance abstract space velocity kinematics crystal luminescence magnetism manometer McLeod Mathematics Maxwell pendulum Foucault pendulum method dimensions mechanic mechanical vibrations of mechanical waves ILC momentum superconductivity saturated modo steam Nobel Prize 2011 Nobel Prize 2013 competition eye optics main p of ICB conversions. Galileo aurora potential potential energy power inclined modo plane rules Kirchhoff devices tides ebb Lift force radioactivity rainbow resonance work dis-yl Boltzmann dis-yl modo Maxwell equations Maxwell fluid discharge SGS force Coriolis force static STV spherical mirror SI television temperature heat of Gauss theorem teplopovidnist thermodynamics modo terminator trajectory three-phase current transformer trigonometry solid angle photometric paradox photometry Lissajous figures X-rays Carnot cycle interesting speed capacity ideal gas Izoprotsesy pulse interference
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a1. George b2. Bogdan c3. Michael d4. Sergey B. e5. Martha f6. B
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